Feeling Unworthy of Help? Meet Eating Disorder Dietitian Maddie White McClean, RDN

It is common for people who struggle with eating, food, and body image issues to feel unworthy of getting help. Maddie White McClean gets that. I’ve recently worked with Maddie, who is a registered dietitian and eating disorder specialist in San Diego. She is an incredibly compassionate and conscientious dietitian who loves working with eating disorders. A San Diego native, Maddie is recovered from disordered eating herself, so she has a a lot of empathy for people going through similar struggles. I’m thrilled that you get to know her!

Why did you choose to become an eating disorder specialist in San Diego? 

I wanted to become a registered dietitian for all of the wrong reasons. I thought that after I completed my coursework, I'd have the key to “perfect eating.” In school, we glossed over the topic of eating disorders/disordered eating so quickly and the information available was so limited, I couldn't recognize that what I was struggling with even had a name.

I fell upon a disordered eating/eating disorder spectrum and moved throughout it for a long time. Only after I received my own help, was I able to determine that I wanted to be a part of others’ journeys in finding food and body peace. In a way, working with eating disorders didn't even feel like a choice, but something I just knew I needed to be a part of.  

What kind of treatment do you provide?

I'm a part of the best practice EVER, Nutrition Instincts. As a practice, we value intuitive eating and consider ourselves Health at Every Size providers. We provide treatment for disordered eating and eating disorders, family feeding, diabetes nutrition therapy, and pregnancy, and postpartum care. 

Do you work with only eating disorders?

Nope! I specialize in diabetes, having recently obtained my Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist certificate (CDCES). I also work with family feeding. I have a special place in my heart for expecting mamas with gestational diabetes, as well. 

How long have you been working with eating disorders overall and how long have you lived in San Diego?

I've been working in Eating Disorders since 2016, I started as a diet tech at a local eating disorder treatment center. 

I'm actually a native to San Diego! These days I live more central, but I grew up in the La Mesa area. 

What happens during a first appointment with you?

Lots and lots and lots of questions. Our attitude and beliefs about food are complex, so in order to understand each client on an individual level, I do my best to get the whole picture. Often, things come out in pieces sometimes weeks or months later, and that's okay too!

What do you wish people knew about getting treatment for eating disorders?

I wish people knew that they deserve help, and that whatever their level of distress about food and their bodies, they are worthy of getting support. As someone who struggled myself, my only wish was that I had known that not only could I get the help I needed, but that I was worthy of it, too.

So often, people struggle with feeling like they are not "sick enough," but the truth is that there isn't some threshold that must be crossed in order to seek support. Food shouldn't be distressing, so if it is, please reach out.

How can people learn more and contact you?

Check out the practice website at https://nutritioninstincts.com/ where you can browse my blogs, learn more about the practice's services, and book a free clarity call. To reach me directly, the best way is by email - maddie@nutritioninstincts.com.

Blogs: https://nutritioninstincts.com/category/nutrition-instincts-team-posts/maddie-white-rd/ 

Instagram: @dietitian.unfiltered or @nutritioninstincts

Share one fun fact about you that most people don’t know.

I'm terrified of cats, but I'm working on it! ;)


Hey everyone, I really appreciate you reading my blog!  Have a wonderful day. :)  


If you are struggling to find online eating disorder treatment with help with binge eating or other eating disorders in San Diego, schedule a free, 15-minute phone consultation using the online scheduler (just click on the orange button), and I will help you get where you need to be! 

You can find more information about me on Instagram @drmariannemiller or on my Facebook page


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