Learn About Jenny Tomei, a Kent, UK Nutritional Therapist & Eating Disorder Coach

Looking for a nutritional therapist and eating disorder coach in the city of Kent in England, or elsewhere in the United Kingdom and in the world? Want to work with a personal trainer who really gets eating disorders? I’m excited to introduce you to Jenny Tomei. I was honored to record a guest gig recently on Jenny’s podcast, called Jen Up: Feed Your Life. One thing I learned about Jenny is that she is very authentic and has this awesome energy about her. I know that anyone who works with her will benefit greatly from her passion and experience with eating disorders and disordered eating.

What are your credentials? Do you work with an eating disorder organization?

I’m a Nutritional Therapist (Dip CNM) Eating Disorder Coach (Dip NCFED), Level 3 Personal Trainer, Level 3 Counsellor. My non-profit organization is called Jenup Community LTD.

A lined white notebook with a magnifying gladd and seperate letters scattered with EATING DISORDER spelled out in the middle | Find eating disorder help, especially binge eating and bulimia, by working with an anti-diet binge eating recovery coach

Why did you choose to become an eating disorder specialist?

I had a history of anorexia nervosa, and I wanted to inspire, educate and empower others that recovery is possible. I'm very passionate about helping young people to discover themselves, alongside helping them with their overall confidence and self esteem. I love making others feel good about themselves!

What kind of treatment do you provide?

Mostly nutrition coaching for eating disorders, alongside education around how to have a healthy relationship with food and exercise, without obsessing over numbers and the scale. I'm also a personal trainer, and I do work mainly with clients who have suffered with anorexia, and are looking to help improve their relationship with exercise.

Do you work with only eating disorders?

I help people with eating disorders, and I work with young people who struggle with low self esteem and body image issues, alongside disordered eating. I mostly work in schools delivering workshops to young people on body image and self esteem, alongside providing staff training for teachers on eating disorders.

Where are you located? In which countries do you practice?

I’m located in the Kent, England, in the United Kingdom. I work mostly with people the UK. I also work with international schools in Mallorca and Brazil.

How long have you been working with eating disorders overall in the UK?

Five years now.

What are your favorite types of clients to work with?

I work mostly with clients who have had a history of anorexia and obsession with exercise. I help them to restore balance back into their lives, when it comes to their food and exercise. Most importantly helping them to aim towards what is a normal, healthy amount of exercise for mental and physical health without being excessive or compulsive.

Drawings of 3 black women's faces in a somewhat abstract way with lots of colors | Want to know the difference between binge eating and bulimia and how you can get help? Check out the self-paced, virtual binge eating recovery membership today.

What happens during a first appointment with you?

I always offer a FREE 20 minute complementary chat, just to see if i am the right person to help the client. My clients have to fill out a lifestyle questionnaire, which I then go through before our first session. I also ask some of my clients to complete a food diary before we have our consultation, if they feel comfortable to do so.

What are the first steps you take when treating binge eating and/or bulimia?

When I treat bulimia and/or binge eating, I work alongside a psychotherapist who specializes in this area. Most importantly, from a nutrition perspective I would education them on the importance of eating regular meals for blood sugar balancing, alongside appetite awareness training.

What do you wish people knew about getting treatment for eating disorders?

That they have to work with someone who is trained specially to work with eating disorders!

How can people learn more about and contact you?

Website: www.jenup.com

Instagram and other social media handles are @askjenup

Email is info@jenup.com.

Share one fun fact about you that most people don't know.

I love extreme sports! #adrenalinejunkie

A panoramic picture of a village in Kent, England, with a stone bridge over a river with thatched-roof houses and a castle in the background | Seeking a binge eating program? Work with Dr. Marianne Miller, an anti-diet binge eating recovery coach.

Looking for binge eating help in the UK, especially London, Manchester, Kent, and Birmingham?

Work with Dr. Marianne Miller, eating disorder therapist and binge eating coach, with 12 years of experience in binge eating and bulimia treatment.

Check out her Elite Binge Eating Method for an anti-diet binge eating program and 1:1 binge eating coaching that helps you gain more energy, attain mental clarity, develop deeper relationships, and find food freedom.

Not quite ready for a binge eating coach and looking for a place to begin?

Join Dr. Marianne-Land’s Binge Eating Recovery Membership for $99 USD/month.

and . . .

Follow her @drmariannemiller on Instagram.


Meet @the.binge.dietitian Toni Rudd, RD: A UK eating disorder dietitian based in Peru!


Get to Know Anne Richardson: A Devon, UK Registered Nutrition Therapist Who Specializes in Eating Disorders