Three Quick Tips on Finding Hope in Eating Disorder Recovery

Feeling discouraged about your eating disorder recovery? Is it hard to find the motivation to keep showing up for eating disorder treatment in San Diego and elsewhere? Does it seem like the slips just keep happening?

Discouragement is common for people struggling with an eating disorder. All you want to be doing in San Diego is to take a break, go down to the beach, and let the water wash over your toes. It can feel so frustrating to have to keep putting energy and effort into eating disorder treatment. I want to give you some encouragement for your eating disorder recovery—some hope that there’s light at the end of the tunnel.

It’s a Marathon, Not a Sprint

First, remind yourself that it takes time. It’s a process. The eating disorder didn’t develop overnight, and so your recovery won’t happen overnight. I know that treatment fatigue is a real thing. I’ve seen it. So find someone who can remind you to keep going. Ask them for hugs and encouragement when things feel especially tough.

Trust is Key

Second, trust your treatment team. The best prognosis for you to recover is to have top eating disorder professionals on board who really care about your recovery. If you’re feeling discouraged, let them know. Perhaps they can make some adjustments in your treatment that can help you feel like you’re back on track. If you don’t have an eating disorder treatment team and aren’t sure where to start, contact an eating disorder professional, and they’ll be able to give you recommendations.

Vision is Vital

Third, create a vision of your recovered self. You may have developed your eating disorder in the past couple of years, or you may have had it for decades. It can sometimes feel as though the eating disorder will never go away. Well, I’m here to tell you that recovery IS possible.

I want you to close your eyes and imagine what life will be like when you’re recovered. Get really specific on what you’ll be doing, saying, and feeling. Journal about these details. Write your name and state your vision: “Jane Doe, recovered from an eating disorder.” Keep your vision in your mind when things seem bleak. Share this vision with friends. Ask them to remind you of it when you feel down.

I hope this little bit of encouragement is helpful for you in your eating disorder recovery journey. Please know that I’m cheering for you. Right at this moment, I’m sending out positive energy your way. You CAN do this. You CAN recover. I believe it with all my heart.


Hey everyone, I appreciate you reading my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)  


Begin Working with A Binge Eating Therapist Through A Live Interactive Workshop, Masterclass for Binge Eating, or Via Online Therapy!

🌻 Sign up for my FREE Masterclass: The Ultimate Training on Breaking the Binge Eating Cycle. It’s a live, virtual, 1-hour seminar on Tuesday, September 13th—and it’ll include a FANTASTIC bonus surprise for people who stay through the end! It’s an interactive workshop for binge eating online, and it will address both binge eating disorder (BED) and bulimia.

🌻 Check out my Fall 2022 Freedom From Binge Eating class. It is a live, virtual, 4-week class on Tuesday, September 27th, from 12-1p. It’s an interactive workshop on binge eating. There will be many bonuses, including videos from yours truly, journal prompts, worksheets, and notes from each class! Anyone with BED, bulimia, binge eating, or emotional eating will greatly benefit!

🌻 Join my Instagram LIVES on Thursdays from 12-1p. I have conversations with professionals such as eating disorder dietitians and therapists on many topics, such as binge eating, BED, bulimia, body image, etc. Subscribe to my Instagram @drmariannemiller, and you’ll get bulimia and BED info sent to your phone with my reels, posts, etc.

🌻If you live in California, you can work with me in therapy!


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