A Deep Dive into Dissociation and Binge Eating with Dr. Danielle Hiestand

I’m so excited for you to hear from San Diego trauma and eating disorder specialist, Dr. Danielle Hiestand, LMFT, CEDS on the topic of dissociation and binge eating. Danielle was actually a former doctoral student of mine from long ago, and she did amazing research on eating disorders. She has since become one of the top eating disorder therapists in San Diego, known especially for how she integrates eating disorder treatment and trauma therapy. Plus, she’s going to be a guest speaker for my Summer 2022 Freedom From Binge Eating class! Winning!

How did you become a trauma and eating disorder specialist in San Diego?

Sad women. Its hard to understand what your body is feeling when you're not feeling present in your body. Let a trauma therapist and eating disorder specialist help. Learn about dissociation and binge eating soon! Try a free master class for binge ea

When I was an undergrad, I attended the University of California San Diego and took an elective class on eating disorders. I developed a strong interest in eating disorder prevention work, and eventually, I wanted to treat eating disorders. After working in the eating disorder treatment field for several years in San Diego, I realized that to help my clients more effectively, I needed more training in trauma. This was because most of my clients had trauma histories. I began training in EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) therapy, and ultimately became an EMDR Consultant. I love helping people develop a healthy relationship with food, as well as a newfound appreciation for their bodies. It is an honor to support people in their healing journey and to get them to a place where they can enjoy everyday experiences like eating again.

What type of trauma and eating disorder treatment in San Diego do you offer?

I practice EMDR therapy for adults. I also integrate DBT (dialectical behavior therapy) and ACT (acceptance and commitment therapy) in my work with clients, so that they can build coping skills and resources.

How many years have you been treating eating disorders overall, and how long have you been working with eating disorders in San Diego?

I’ve been in San Diego since 2001. In 2005, I began volunteering in the area of eating disorder prevention. In 2007, I started providing eating disorder treatment in San Diego.

You have graciously agreed to be a guest speaker for my live, virtual, 5-week, Summer 2022 Freedom From Binge Eating Class (yay!). You'll discuss the role dissociation and trauma play in the binge eating and binge/purge cycles.

What does dissociation mean and how can it be a part of binge eating and binge/purge behaviors?

Dissociation is the experience of disconnection among one’s thoughts, feelings, memories, and identity. Dissociation is one way the brain responds to adverse life events. It is how an individual protects themselves from being emotionally or physically overwhelmed. Therefore, you may not feel present your body. Sometimes dissociation doesn’t turn off, even though the distressing event is over. The brain can get stuck in “trauma time,” and continue to use dissociation to cope with everyday stressors.

People with eating disorders engage in behaviors that can bring on dissociation such as binging, mindless eating, and purging behaviors. Dissociation and eating disorder behaviors can be a way to survive and cope with intrusive traumatic memories.

How can trauma be an underlying factor in people who struggle with binge eating and binge/purge behaviors?

Women holding up flpwers and sign. When you're not feeling present in your body, trauma is often at the root. Learn about dissociation and binge eating from a trauma therapist and eating specialist.

Trauma can be an underlying factor for many mental health disorders, such as substance abuse, depression, anxiety disorders, and eating disorders. Trauma is a negative life experience that continues to make you not feel present in your body. If an individual is frequently triggered or has PTSD symptoms, they might use food to decrease their distress, avoid the feelings, or distract from the intrusive images or thoughts. Binge eating and binge/purge behaviors can help someone temporarily escape through dissociation; however, the use of these behaviors causes more problems in the long run.

What strategies can you use to stop not feeling present in your body during binge eating and binge/purge episodes?

If a person realizes they are having an episode, they could ask themselves: “Where am I right now? Am I safe right now? Do my mind and body know that I am safe right now?” These questions may help a person identify if they are present or dissociated. Next, the person could identify their options: (a) They could continue with the behavior, (b) They could pause for 5 minutes and choose a coping tool, (c) After 5 minutes, they can check in and explore if they want to continue with the behavior, or can they pause for another 5 minutes, and (d) They could stop and choose a coping tool and/or ask for help. These questions may help a person become more aware of the behavior they're engaging in and the choices they currently have.

What do you wish people knew about getting treatment for binge eating and trauma?

I wish people knew that recovery is possible. I know people can feel hopeless sometimes and you may not feel present in your body often. Especially if they have been struggling for a long time. I’ve seen people heal from EMDR therapy and recover from their eating disorders and PTSD. Research also supports the clinical effectiveness of EMDR therapy. If people believed they could get better they might be more likely to seek out treatment.

How can people learn more about and contact you?

Check out my website!

Hey everyone, I really appreciate you reading my blog!  Have a wonderful day. :)  



Interested in an Interactive Class for Eating Disorders?

Women helping friend. Learn more about why you are not feeling present in your body. Dissociation and binge eating often have trauma at the roots. Learn more from an eating disorder therapist and trauma therapist!

If you want to take the next step toward eating disorder recovery and find out more about eating disorder treatment, ARFID, bulimia, binge eating or other eating disorders in San Diego, check out the resources on my website, including previous blog posts and my guest-speaking gigs on podcasts.

REGISTER NOW! My live, virtual, 4-week class is called Freedom From Binge Eating*. The registration deadline is Friday, July 8th, and it begins Tuesday, July 12th.

You can find more information about me on Instagram @drmariannemiller, on my Facebook page, or on Twitter

*Disclaimer: This class is not therapy and should not replace professional eating disorder/binge eating treatment or medical advice. This educational group is for learning, discussion, and encouraging connection.

Other Services Marianne Miller Offers

All therapy services are offered in person or via Online Therapy in CA. Binge Eating Classes are offered online only nationwide and are not a therapy service


Childhood Trauma and Eating Disorders


My Binge Eating Recovery Story