Frustrated with Weight Stigma? Get to Know Kathleen Meehan, M.S., RD

HI everyone! Meet Kathleen Meehan, an amazing Los Angeles eating disorder dietitian known as @therdnutritionist on Instagram. She identifies as a “non-diet dietitian,” and she works from a Health at Every Size (HAES) perspective. Kathleen also is a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor. She is really passionate about showing respect for all bodies, and she works virtually to help people in San Diego and beyond. Enjoy getting to know her!

Why did you choose to become an eating disorder specialist?

Integrity has always been a value for me, and eating disorder work aligns with my values. As a registered dietitian, I recognize how problematic and harmful dogmatic nutrition advice and stigmatizing healthcare are. I believe in respectful care for all bodies, and believe that as healthcare providers, we must do the work required to dismantle a system that encourages weight stigma. I believe this is essential for the prevention and treatment of eating disorders, and as a person with many privileges, I believe it's my job to do what I can. 

What kind of treatment do you provide?

My practice is primarily virtual, so we do screening to assure a person is appropriate level of care for virtual outpatient treatment. If they are, it can be a really accessible and convenient way to provide nutrition therapy and counseling.

Do you work with only eating disorders?

No. I practice within the HAES framework, so I do a significant amount of weight-inclusive medical nutrition therapy. As a registered dietitian specializing in intuitive eating, I also do a lot of chronic dieting recovery and body image work. I really enjoy working with eating disorders and disordered eating, and I believe everyone deserves a HAES/Intuitive Eating approach.

How long have you been working with eating disorders overall?

I first had exposure to eating disorder work as an intern in undergraduate and graduate school and in outpatient practice after school. I have had a private practice for two years now.

I know that you embrace the HAES approach. Would you share a little about how you learned about HAES and how it informed your treatment of eating disorders?

I learned about HAES early in my career as a dietitian, and it really echoed the experience of the clients I was working with. I began to understand my clients better, and recognized that respectful, non-stigmatizing care required this approach. HAES is really rooted in respect and social justice. As I dove deeper into the science, I was appalled to learn about weight stigma, weight cycling, the science of weight regulation and the development of eating disorders. It became very clear that a weight centric model did harm, and ignored the lived experience of others. A HAES approach provides affirming, respectful care for all, and allows for the diagnosis and treatment of eating disorders. I believe it is absolutely essential for ED recovery.

What happens during a first appointment with you?

First appointments are all about to getting to know each other better. We'll begin to explore a person's past experience, medical history, and relationship food and body image. We'll talk about what they hope to get out of our work together. We'll discuss self-care, eating habits and exercise patterns, and any history with food rules and dieting. We'll begin to get curious about how they define health, and we'll start to work on identifying what's causing folks to feel stressed around food. 

What do you wish people knew about getting treatment for eating disorders?

I wish more people understood how common disordered eating is, and that everyone is worthy of treatment, regardless of body size or circumstance.

How can people learn more and contact you?

My website is and there are ways to contact me there! I'm also on instagram at @therdnutritionist.  

Share one fun fact about you that most people don’t know.

I grew up in a mountain town in Vermont, and I've been skiing since I was a toddler. I absolutely love skiing and how it connects us to the outdoors.


Hey everyone, I really appreciate you reading my blog!  Have a wonderful day. :)  


If you are struggling to find online eating disorder treatment with help with binge eating or other eating disorders in San Diego, schedule a free, 15-minute phone consultation using the online scheduler (just click on the orange button), and I will help you get where you need to be! 

You can find more information about me on Instagram @drmariannemiller or on my Facebook page


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