An Open Letter to People Struggling With Binge Eating this Thanksgiving

This week is hard. I get it.

It's Thanksgiving. 🦃

And it's so difficult to feel thankful with binge eating disorder in California, Colorado, Florida, NYC, Chicago, Atlanta, wherever, when . . .

👉 You're struggling to get out of bed in the morning.

👉 You're dreading seeing your family on Thanksgiving.

👉 You can't stop thinking about food and eating.

👉 You feel terrified that people will comment on your body.

It's lonely.

I know. I've been there. I remember the despair when I was in the thick of my eating disorder. I would wring my hands and pick at things because I felt so overwhelmed. The hopelessness was crippling.

People thought I was doing great. Like many of you, I could put on a good front. Especially during the holidays, when we all were "supposed" to look happy and feel grateful (damn you, Hallmark).

The truth was, I was falling into a black hole so deep that I thought I never could get out of it.

Then . . . I got help. I exposed my shame to professionals who I learned to trust. I risked the vulnerability hangover.

I started to get better.

And you can too.

Reaching out for help is terrifying. You're risking exposure and judgment. You're also worried that the help won't work.

I understand. You've tried so many things that haven't worked in the past. I did as well. Diet after diet. Therapist after therapist. Health program after health program.

Deep down, you hope that there's another way . . .

. . . and there is. My Elite Binge Eating Recovery Method. It's systematic and effective. I created it after 10 years and 1000s of hours of clinical work. Through this process, 100s of people recovered. Completely. From binge eating.

Binge eating recovery is possible. I've lived it. I've seen it. I've created the path for it.

And I want you to join me on this path. Get ahead and STAY ahead of binge eating in 2023.

Check it out here, or email me for details at

Sending love and light your way. 😊

Begin Working with a Skilled Binge Eating Coach for Online Eating Disorder Help in California, NYC, Chicago, Florida, Colorado, Atlanta, and Anywhere in the World!

🍁 Sign up for the ELITE BINGE EATING RECOVERY METHOD*. It’s a 3-month, online binge-eating program for professionals, students, athletes, and all-around high achievers who just want to gain balance and control of food. The Initial Assessment and Onboarding Calls begin November 28th, 2022.

🍁 Check out my Instagram LIVES on Thursdays from 12-1p PST (3-4p EST) . I have conversations with professionals such as eating disorder dietitians and therapists on many topics, such as binge eating, BED, bulimia, body image, etc. Subscribe to my Instagram @drmariannemiller, and you’ll get bulimia and BED info sent to your phone with my reels, posts, etc.

🍁 Login to my “Eating Disorder Tuesday Talks with Dr. Marianne Miller” on LinkedIn and Facebook from 12p-12:15p PST (3-3:15p EST). In these short videos, I’ll share one Takeaway Tip and answer questions from readers like you! Connect with me on LinkedIn and Facebook, and you’ll receive up-to-date eating disorder information, especially on binge eating and binge/purge behaviors.

*The ELITE BINGE EATING RECOVERY METHOD is virtual binge eating education and coaching support. The goal of this program is to help people stop any type of distressed eating, such as binge eating or binge/purge behaviors via education, behavioral changes, and mindset shifts. The ELITE BINGE EATING RECOVERY METHOD is not a clinical eating disorder therapy or eating disorder treatment programs and is not intended to serve as such. In them, Dr. Marianne Miller works from her role as a binge-eating coach, not as a binge-eating therapist.


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