Five Details on Dodging Depression in Eating Disorder Recovery

Five Details on Dodging Depression in Eating Disorder Recovery

Struggling with getting out of bed in the morning? Crying a lot and feeling lethargic? Struggling with finding pleasure in activities that you used to love? You may be suffering from clinical depression. The sun can be bright, and the palm trees swaying in the wind as you go about your life in San Diego, but you still feel sad. It can really, really suck—especially when you’re recovering from an eating disorder.

Depression is very typical in people with eating disorders. It is a common co-occurring or co-morbid mental disorder in individuals struggling with anorexia (AN), bulimia (BN), binge eating disorder (BED), and other specified feeding or eating disorders (OSFED). Having depression when you’re living in such a stunning location like San Diego can be especially challenging, as the disparity between what you’re feeling and the “beautiful life” others seem to be living can be hard to bear.

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How Can Psychiatrists Help Eating Disorder Recovery? Meet San Diego Physician Dr. Heather Mak, M.D.

How Can Psychiatrists Help Eating Disorder Recovery? Meet San Diego Physician Dr. Heather Mak, M.D.

Struggling with anxiety and depression in your eating disorder recovery? Seeing all the people frolicking in the sun and surf in San Diego, wondering when the heck you will feel like participating in life again? Working with an eating disorder psychiatrist may help! There is research on how mood disorders such as anxiety and depression are more frequent in people with eating disorders when compared to the general population. If that is the case, it can be helpful for your eating disorder recovery to work with a psychiatrist as well as an eating disorder therapist. I prefer to refer people to psychiatrists rather than their primary care physicians, as psychiatrists are specialized in psychopharmacology. They know the nuances and can manage any side effects of psychotropic medications (medications that can help with moods, etc.). One amazing psychiatrist in San Diego is Dr. Heather Mak, M.D. She is a very kind person who does great work with people in eating disorder recovery. Plus, she loves dogs (like me!). :) I’m excited for you to get to know her!

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Meet Eating Disorder and Addiction Expert and Online Binge Eating Coach Dr. Carolyn Ross, M.D.

Meet Eating Disorder and Addiction Expert and Online Binge Eating Coach Dr. Carolyn Ross, M.D.

Hello everyone! I want to introduce you to eating disorder and addiction expert Dr. Carolyn Ross, a wonderful person who has practiced in San Diego and Denver. She has served for several years as the medical liaison for the San Diego chapter of the International Association for Eating Disorder Professionals foundation (IAEDP). Dr. Ross has also launched an amazing online coaching program for binge eating, emotional eating, and compulsive overeating. PLUS, she has written several books on eating disorders, binge eating, and emotional eating! A very accomplished woman who really knows her stuff!!!

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