Navigating Triggers and Emotional Eating: Strategies for Overcoming Binge Eating Patterns

Struggling with binge eating patterns? It’s likely that you have common triggers that launch the binge eating cycle. Whether you are in San Diego, NYC, or London, it’s important to recognize the susceptibilities that can make you vulnerable to falling down the binge eating rabbit hole. It’s vital to identify strategies for overcoming binge eating patterns and navigating emotional eating. Read these top three tips to help you recover from binge eating.

Tip #1 — Identify What Makes You Susceptible to Binge Eating Patterns

It’s the susceptibilities that make you more likely to binge eat. What that means is that there are things going on with you and in your environment that make it more likely that you will engage in a binge eating pattern. How did you sleep the night before? Are you tired? Are you feeling sick? Is it too cold or too hot?

One of the biggest susceptibilities is that you haven’t eating enough in the past day or last few days. What that does is build up a glucose deficit so that trying to stop you from binge eating is like attempting to stop a bullet train—it’s nearly impossible. The number one change you can do is eat mechanically, or eat regularly throughout the day (3 meals/2-3 snacks for most people). It staves off binge eating like nothing else.

Tip #2 — Understand How To Overcome Binge Eating Triggers

Binge eating triggers differ from susceptibilities in that they are specific events that can launch your binge eating patterns. Triggers can range from a bad day at work to a fight with your loved one to a desire to avoid cleaning or working on a school project. Whatever the binge eating trigger, it’s typically something that is emotionally uncomfortable.

Emotional discomfort is no fun. Sure, binge eating can distract you for a few minutes, and that’s all you’ll get—a few minutes. The emotional discomfort rages back, along with emotional and physical discomfort from binge eating. Make a list of all of your triggers and write out alternative strategies, such as reaching out for support or using a strong sensation like a hot drink or ice packs to jolt you out of the pattern.

Tip #3 — Gain Strategies for Emotional Eating

Emotional Eating isn’t always a bad thing. Think about what you typically eat on birthdays, holidays, etc. Remember a particular dessert that you ate on that fabulous vacation you took last year. There are elements of emotional eating in all of those situations. It’s a beautiful part of memories of food and eating.

What is not helpful about emotional eating is that it can be a part of avoiding your emotions instead of facing them. When you binge eat, you may feel a certain dissociation or detachment—some of my clients call it numbing out. The issue with that is that you step away from your feelings instead of dealing with them. Even if you binge eat, the emotions will still be there. That’s why it’s helpful to journal about them and talk with a loved one about your feelings before you fall into the binge eating trap.

Start Working with an Eating Recovery and Binge Eating Coach for Binge Eating Treatment in Florida, London, NYC, Atlanta, Chicago, Colorado, and Anywhere in the World!

Take the first step toward binge eating recovery in the INEVITABLE BINGE EATING RECOVERY PROGRAM*, which combines a comprehensive online binge eating class with a private, hidden Facebook group where you can get support. It’s an online course for high performers who aim to transform their relationships with food. It is available to you in perpetuity as long as I’m offering the course and the binge eating support group (years!).

Begin Working with Marianne Miller, A Binge Eating Coach Available in NYC, California, London UK, Toronto Ontario, and Many Other Locations Online.

🌺 Sign up for the ELITE BINGE EATING RECOVERY METHOD**. It’s a 3-month, online binge-eating coaching + an online class for professionals, students, athletes, and all-around high achievers who just want to gain balance and control of food.

Catch Marianne Miller, Eating Disorder Therapist, and Binge Eating Coach on Social Media

🌺 Watch my Instagram LIVES on Thursdays from 12-1p PST (3-4p EST, 8-9p GMT) . I have conversations with professionals such as eating disorder dietitians and therapists on many topics, such as binge eating, BED, bulimia, body image, etc. Subscribe to my Instagram @drmariannemiller, and you’ll get bulimia and BED info sent to your phone with my reels, posts, etc.

Disclaimers for Body Image, Binge Eating, and My Virtual Online Binge Eating Program

*DR. MARIANNE-LAND’S BINGE EATING RECOVERY MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM is online binge-eating education and private virtual group support via a Facebook Group. The aim of this course is to help people reduce and eliminate any type of distressed eating, such as binge eating or binge/purge behaviors via education, behavioral changes, and mindset shifts. DR. MARIANNE-LAND’S BINGE EATING RECOVERY MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM is not a clinical eating disorder therapy or eating disorder treatment program and is not intended to serve as such. In them, Dr. Marianne Miller works from her role as a binge-eating coach, not as a binge-eating therapist.

**The ELITE BINGE EATING RECOVERY METHOD is virtual binge eating education and LIVE virtual coaching support. The goal of this program is to help people stop any type of distressed eating, such as binge eating or binge/purge behaviors via education, behavioral changes, and mindset shifts. The ELITE BINGE EATING RECOVERY METHOD is not a clinical eating disorder therapy or eating disorder treatment program and is not intended to serve as such. In them, Dr. Marianne Miller works from her role as a binge-eating coach, not as a binge-eating therapist.


Breaking the Shame Cycle: Embracing Self-Forgiveness in Binge Eating Recovery


Body Acceptance and Self-Love: Nurturing Positive Body Image in Binge Eating Recovery